Thursday, May 15, 2008


I read your secret and I felt the need to do someting, anything. I know what it feels like to be forgotten. I hope that... what do I hope? I hope that you know that you aren't alone in the world, and who ever the person was who forgot you, knows that they are missing out, on you, and on your life...

I guess I should tell everyone a little about myself...

This is me , Laney, I live and grew up in hawaii. There is nothing more beautiful than Hawaii on a sunny day, like today is. The only problem is that The volcono is erupting, and Vog is blocking the blue sky, making it a foggy gray. I go to college, in the University of Hawaii system. The spring semester has just got out for the summer. I have found through art classes that I hate working with clay, but I love oil painting. Strange how things like that work. guess thats it. I'm pretty boring.

This is Poki Bay Beach On the Wainaie Coast On the island of Oahu. This is the beach that I grew up on. Not literally.. but you get what I mean. =)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Someone To Write To

Hey there,

You don't know who I am, obviously. My name is Lee and I'm a high school student in Israel.
Your secret touched my heart and that's why I'm writing. Maybe it's also because I need someone to write to just as much as you want to be written to.

I moved to Israel from New Jersey about a year and a half ago after living there my whole life. It was a tough experience and it really taught me who my true friends there were. Anyway I don't really know if this compares, but when I just got here and didn't have any friends I lived for the letters and emails from back home. I don't know what I would have done without them. So I don't know...maybe I sort of get what you mean? Anyway it really made me want to write to you cause I know how much a letter can mean.

I really hope that you get the letter you're waiting for. You deserve it. I think you're very brave to go to boot camp. And maybe the person you want to write you is thinking of you, but it's too hard to write cause that will make them miss you even more. 

So I'll tell you a little about what's going on here in Israel? Yesterday was independence day over here and the evening before there were fireworks and parties and things like that way into the night. It was pretty fun and I hung out with my friends till really late. 

The day before independence day is memorial day. Memorial day is a much bigger deal here than it is in the USA. It's more serious. Everyone and I do mean everyone wears white shirts and it is just so beautiful. To think that a whole country, even if it is little) is wearing the same color is so powerful. You have to see it. People walk in the street, drive in cars, whatever and everything is white with no exception. And at 11 in the morning there is an alarm that sounds throughout all of Israel for a minute. And for a whole minute it feels like the world is standing still because you know that all around everyone is standing perfectly still and remembering. You know that on the highway anyone driving has stopped at the side of the road and gotten out of their car to stand and give respect to all the soldiers who have fallen. It truly is beautiful. I wish you could see it.

So I guess that's about it for now. I'll write again. =)

Love always

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Perhaps I needed to write

I hope you have found this, and have shared all of the letters that have been sent to you.

I think both of our lives have been a little rough, but in different ways. So many things happening and waiting for so many things to bloom.

I want to know what it is like in bootcamp, my love and I argued about it yesterday, just about 4 years being so long. I have found myself to be nervous, scared and alone. I wish he could tell me that I was wrong, that 4 years in the Marines is not along time. Maybe someone else can??

I hope your heart is full of love, and that any hurt has left it, I am waiting for mine to feel the same way. I hope bootcamp is not horrible, but that it is making you stronger. And if you have to go away to do your job, I hope you either come back to read these, or write back.

Light and Love Always


Thursday, May 1, 2008


To my new friend:

This guy I've known since I was about 12 was tripping on acid Saturday night with his girlfriend, and he wrapped his car around a tree. She died. He's been charged with vehicular homicide, and was sitting in jail until his family bailed him out until the hearing. My mom thinks he needs to go to jail, but I'm kind of torn. I don't really know how to feel. I wish things like this didn't happen. I wish people who brought goodness to the world could stay, and the bad would just sort of disappear. Maybe, as a race, we would have a fighting chance. I've been looking at her Myspace; she was really cute. The kind of person you could see cat ears popping out of the sides of her head like they do in anime's.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the depressing talk. On the other things!

I started my new job this week. Did I tell you I quit Safeway AND got a new job in the same week? Hell. Yes. Now I work at KinderCare. Woo! Lots of work. And I work with two of my old friends, but I don't know how I feel about that yet.

How are things going? Four weeks left now? I'm really hoping things are better for you. What are you going to be doing after you graduate? Have you even thought about what you want to do for a job? Or are you still trying to get over how much bootcamp sucks? I know you have no idea how I am...But I miss you. And I hope the letters you were hoping for have been recieved. I hold love in my heart for people who need it. So...*sends you love* I always have more to go around.



Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hi again,

Hope that someone who needs a letter from home has found this and has read the happy thoughts sent their way from places all over the world.

It is finally getting nice again in my part of Canada.... maybe spring is really here this time. Wouldnt surprise me though to have another dump of snow before winter is finally over :)

was just on my way out the door to work on a video, but wanted to send some new wishes and to remind you that you for sure will always have a friend in Canada, not only because of what you do, but because of who you are.

Best wishes, stay safe and come home soon.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My name is Jena and your postcard touched my heart. I wish I could be the person you want to write you because i would write you everyday. My boyfriends older brother went to Iraq not long ago and everyday i felt his pain of missing him so much I wish there was something i could have done but he is home safe now. You are very strong and so brave for doing what you do and i hope that you know and believe that cuz its true. When you get home i hope you read everything that everyone has written you and even though its not that one special person there are so many strangers who care so much about you. You are an inspiration to all, take care.

Hey there,

I don't really know what to put there, but you are a brave person.
You'll never be forgotten by us, although you may not be at the front of our minds and I hope the person you wanted will write. I hope you think its all worth it, because it is.

I'm not very good at chemistry, I'm scared i'm going to fail but boot camp would be scarier, and what comes after boot camp. I wish this wasn't our reality.